This is the next step after prior preparation and readiness.
6 months of intensive work after introduction and successful integration. Includes advanced tailored treatments, coaching, and tantra work, and individually created remedies if needed. The active participation is part of the journey from here on in, and includes self study and a daily spiritual praxis in some form.
Includes 10-14 sessions tailored to the needs of the person.
In addition to IKYA Vibrational Tune-up, IKYA Thematic Signature Treatment, you will have the option of receiving Massage/Bodywork with flower essences, individually designed Spiritual IKYA Tantra session(s) (for the moment virtual), and conversations/coaching.
90-120 minute treatment. Aligns your various energetic bodies to each other and readies the whole energetic system you are to receive the next step of vibrational upgrade.
60-90 minute treatment
Working with the energetic systems in all your energetic bodies. Does a through clean-up of outdated programs and structures and areas not active, so that new upgraded structural adjustment and programming is introduced. We will also work on a deep integration of you various aspects, so that body mind and spirit is in communication…..
As in all IKYA therapy, the governing perspective is your “spiritual DNA”. Since a lot of the “white noise” of you mind and body has been cleared now, you will feel invigorated and refreshed. You will recognize the power of working – and LIVING – from the INSIDE out.
This is medicine for the new paradigm, where we build a new structures and programs based on your unique signature. Consciousness is about living consciously, and LIFE is our “real” spiritual practice.
Th old paradigm is a fear based, life-hostile software, and prevent us from being present, and conscious… where there was no room for reflection and self-examining honesty. What is spirituality if not honesty.
When we are present and accept life, embrace it, and begin to move from a conceptual understanding of principles such as “we live in an intelligent universe” – to it becoming real… – you are in a major shift, you have moved from fear to LOVE.
And one will tap into one’s own inner source of everything. It is all there. You will experience more CREATIVITY, ENERGY, INTELLIGENCE, INSPIRATION, AWAKENNESS, OPENNESS, and the sense of being PRESENT – THAT IS: tapping into your authentic self, and living from there.
At this stage, you are feeling freer, have more clarity, eager to surf on the very real waves of flow life offers – in order to be of service, and be part of the magic of life.
You may be changing many aspects of your daily life – some in a subtle way – some more radically. It has to be that way – inner change will reflect in upgrading changes in your outer reality – naturally.