

Massage concerned with awakening and reprogramming the senses.  It is about building new capacities.  It is about incarnating fully, and to move into presence and into purpose, becoming more present in the now.

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We work thru the body, tuning in to every part, experiencing it thru different perspectives, working with the breath consciously and specifically, exploring areas and tensions, blockages, blind spots…. We work to awaken the dimensionality of the body.  The tools used, besides touch and words, are many.  Vibrational essences from plants and rocks, shamanic animal essences and much more…. These spiritual tools allow it to express, to listen, and enter into dialogue and connection, to allow insight and integration to happen.


The focus is tailored to your specific needs.  It can be about allowing the body to be real and to feel FREE, to experience pleasure without guilt, to courageously observe the body as it is, the flow – as it is, – and to get to know it and to embrace it and begin to love it – as a temple, a tool, an expression of who we are, what we are here to do, …and much more.


SPIRITUAL TANTRA is about awaking and reprogramming the senses.  It is about building new capacities.  It is about incarnating fully, and to move into presence and into purpose, becoming more present in the now.

It begins with being present to oneself, because the self is our main TOOL for life.



TANTRA brings inspiration, vitality, honesty, courage and is the perfect tool for realization and becoming REAL.  It is the level of reality deeper and more magical than any fantasy or “trip”.


Our dreams are often simply our stepping stones to drive us towards the growth and expansion.  Growth is the key to happiness.


SERVICE It is important to contribute – that is how nature is set up! Every seed, bird, plant, rock – they serve a function and are part of a biotope where their presence is integral.

Mastery is great, and we will all get there some day – it is not a rush.  Both mastery and playfulness is supposed to be fun!!

On a slightly more serious note, when we figure out the parameters of our existence here, according to our own signature and in relation to our individual uniqueness, we are liberated from the state of submission and fear.  That is the shift.


LOVE: The deepest aspect of reality is LOVE.  It is a level of consciousness that grows from deep insight based on action, on living, exploring, questioning, connecting, experiencing and having realizations.  LOVE is not for cowards, or the lazy.  And, when you feel all you need to slack off, –  that is the time shift into conscious presence and allowing the flow of What Is thru.  And this is how transformation happens.


ATTRACTION: this can be your DNA telling you that whatever the object of the attraction is – it may be a match for you – it will gift you with something you need.

Whenever you are alerted by a sense of resonance, an instinct, impulse, urge, obsession, they are almost always worth exploring.


In a way tantra is about proving to yourself – and the world – that everything IS love


SPIRITUALIZING OUR SENSES: In order to see beyond our filters of belief systems, there are many tricks and techniques, life practices – and exercises.  Most of them are fun and pleasurable – even to the egoic self….

Some of them are such mindfucks, that it goes beyond pleasure or entertainment or interesting…but they go deep.

Most of it is disciplined work.  Without the discipline, the patterns and egoic needs will take over.  And sometimes that is ok, too….

Activating and de-programming of the senses is important in spiritual tantra, – its where we begin….




We integrate our monkey-mind and our god(ess)seed

We accept that we are advanced in some areas and not so advanced n others

We learn to recognize and utilize our mirrors, and to embrace life as it appears

We see how a seagull, or a blade of grass can speak to us just as deeply as a human friend…

We begin to open up to Oneness, and understand the first levels of sustainability, where we begin to understand our place in the world….



Submission. Ideas about sexuality being dirty and shameful. Experiencing our sexual self as inadequate and in need of confirmation and nurturing. Fearing the power of our desires and unconscious drives and urges.  Feelings of alienation towards one’s sexual impulses. Need for healing and integration of the whole universe of what you are.


  • Each part of the treatment offers a perspective and angle of something that speaks to the whole (the body/mind/spirit-self)– and is melted into an integrative process of wholeness and healing.


  • The reproductive areas are part of the treatments and processes; however, it is not a sexual tantra process where sexual and/orgasmic techniques are in focus.


  • Allowing the awakening of one’s signature aspect is one of the main purposes of spiritual tantra.


  • It is pleasurable, liberating and healing. Warning: it may change you!!  It may demand changes in habits, diet, thoughts, values and priorities…



Sexological aspects: can be discussed and worked with, if sexual function issues surface.


SEXUALITY AND TRADITIONS: Sexuality is looked at from a place beyond the ego, more as a voice of a greater more universal union, of service and purpose, but from a place of an ignited inner self or signature…. But recognizing that the old traditions, especially the Western ones, is about living from the navel up, and ignoring what is below that.  It is a denial and degrading of the body and the physical world, including animals, nature, air and water….… The body represents the feminine principle, and the EARTH, our mother and nurturer….

In other traditions sexual energy was used for manipulation, and domination.


Additional information


90 Minutes, minimum

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