Spirituality is LIFE – and life – is supposed to be fun. – and inspiring, satisfying, challenging, touching, and it will throw you stuff you just hate – but learn to learn about…. And it is real, it smells and tastes, it speaks, it loves…..and mirrors us in every way. Just like a good lover…
There are a few things though, that requires some effort. Honesty. Being curious, and not only “being” it – but acting on it – and taking it as far as it goes…
Modern spirituality is not a PASSIVE practice.
The traditional way of being spiritual was more submissive, non-questioning, sacrificial, preferable a bit painful, and requires so-called LEAPS of FAITH –ie: blindly trusting authority
That is just SOOOO old paradigm. And, need I say Hitler….. We are not sheep. We are not babies – we are reaching adulthood gradually – hesitantly. Responsibility is not chocolate. Standing up for important principles – and for YOU, for yourself – is also not top 10 on many people’s lists…
The most important spiritual practice is LIFE.
It means we accept the terms of this Earth Game. We incarnate. We recognize we have chosen to be here. E recognize we are living in a most significant time on this planet. We recognize we are so much more than our incarnated body.
We are embracing life. We are consciously taking the steps, learning the tricks and technique to evade the autopilots and escape-mechanisms all humans are so well equipped with…
Living consciously means that – opening up all that we are to What Is… Opening up to become masters of our Karma and to be of service – more and more alive and in this orgasmic cosmic flow of that.
With IKYA Tantra that is our project. We have exercises and tools to work with, and I guide you, along with a spiritual team that is on call 24/7. It is vey real, and we allow plenty of room for processing, and many exercises for integration and releasing – and CONFIRMING our Yesses…
Knowing that YOU cannot be lost or damaged, not the real you, it is pure vibration, light, and is unbreakable. It is our conditioned selves that lay tricks on us, and that part of us require healing, too – but only with insight, integration and grounding does that work have any function for a true spiritual tantra truth-shower, soul-shiner, life-lover and prophets of love…!!! LOL
Pleasure, sensuality and joy are important ingredients in this work, to produce more JOY – and spicing it up with VULNERABILITY, discomfort, and the ability to put the new ideas and principle to work in your LIFE – and testing it out for yourself! Finding YOUR take on it, YOUR format, YOUR priority, YOUR joy and YOUR freedom.
The SEXUAL CENTER plays a very new and modern and very significant role – and it is all about INTEGRATING those energies into you everyday life, and person.
No longer are we “pure” innocent being, only alive from the waist up.
Our deepest most intimate part, vulnerable, somewhat unformed and undefined at first – our spiritual essence – our authentic self- is what actually gives it that uniqueness. That true value. Adding YOU into the big rock band of life – because that is why we are here…