What is IKYA

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    What is IKYA?

    If you are someone who have tried it all, and are ready for REAL, you have found a the right portal –  the IKYA universe.

    Are you tired of being caught in your own patterns and limited programming? Are you looking for REAL change, deep transformation – an actual re-programming?

    And, are you ready and willing to do the work?

    I will show you the the architecture, the non-physical anatomy of what we are, and the worlds we are a part of.  I can give you tools/keys to open up and enter into new rooms, new parameters, expansion, – new, more real realities, more REAL YOU, REAL GROWTH

    IKYA Therapy is vibrational medicine, and works from the INSIDE out…

    We are spirit, we are light in the form of a vibrational code, and that, the spiritual DNA, has a  more appropriate software for your life than what our collective programming offers.  This program springs out of your ATMA, or your soul imprint for this life.  It is who you designed yourself to be in order to do the spiritual work you planned before you incarnated.

    We use this code as the parameter for your flow, and increased presence and manifestation source in our therapeutic work.  To shift from the survival mode to your spiritual code as the programming is a major shift – it is actually going from fear to love, from competition and exclusion/elimination to embracing life, and sharing one’s gifts in every way, and being in service.  This is actually a pretty big step in human evolution – moving from the EGO to the “we”.

    The sense of liberation, of “coming home” as we become more and more in tune with this, is a source of inspiration, joy and taps you into an enormous sense of abundance.  It is actually a direct link to your actual spiritual potential.


    IKYA Therapy  is a method designed for the new consciousness emerging, for those who have tried the old ways and admitted they did not achieve anything of what they hoped for or dreamed of.

    The old world, and all the great ancient cultures,  often used spiritual practices in order to escape form pain and suffering.  Huge worlds of astral realities were built by thought forms thru thousands of years, and were maintained thru tradition, rituals and submission.

    We need to the opposite today – we need to incarnate fully, and be present.  We are here to be responsible humans, to take care of our home and source of sustenance, our planet, – and to tap in some of the VAST potential we have as humans/spiritual beings manifesting here in the earth plane.

    Modern spirituality is about getting IN -rather than OUT of our world. 

    The human DNA is programmed for survival – naturally.  However, the program has not been updated much since the stone age.

    Most people are aware of how the fight and flight modus is wreaking havoc on both the personal and societal level.  The stress-hormones we marinate in almost daily are breaking down our health.  Stress is the cause of many of the most feared illnesses such as heart disease and cancer and many auto-immune conditions, allergies, high blood pressure, digestive and nervous/psychological disturbances, etc.

    The current human DNA program has been telling us that change is a threat to our survival.  As a result, new people, new ideas, different perspectives and ideas and solutions – are a threat. (So in a way, racism is a part of the collective DNA program, part of the fight and flight – brilliant program for the stone age. Now, not so much…)

    Now we need new ideas, we need to co-operate, co-create, learn and evolve…. One of the main intelligences humans are developing right now is the intelligence of contextuality.

    All this is built into our bodily systems, our brains, hormones, and values –  as reactions and mechanism, habits and pattern-based behaviors.  The hormonal responses confirms to us that we are in accordance with our programming, that we DID RIGHT….when it is all just our robot-like ape programming!

    IKYA Therapy

    IKYA Therapy is an advanced form of therapy.  We do not try to remove your problems from you.

    We base our therapeutic work on the fact that we live in an intelligent universe.  We live in a universe that is alive.  Everything is communicating, and interacting incessantly. A vital component of this is what we call the “tantric” energy.  This is the lifeforce – the invisible power of life itself, of expression and unfoldment, of connecting and creating something new – as a beautiful creative cosmic dance…

    The process of manifestation or incarnation is an intelligent mathematical process, where everything has purpose.

    No butterfly or philosophy springs from nothing… it is part of the growth and healing in this intricate web of life.

    That means that everything we encounter in life is there to teach, and heal us, and make us expand, change, evolve and grow.  We are here with a purpose or agenda.  Our code is the perfect expression of all we need in order to fulfill that.

    Most people go to a therapist or doctor when they experience symptoms of some kind.

    Illness is also a teacher and heling, thru helping us wake up to the realities in our life, and help us change and grow.

    Example:  we can say that if we go too much against the purpose we have consciously chosen, our emotional, mental and physical bodies will begin communicating with us.  As humans we come here without remembering the universal language of vibration and energy. In our dreamstate we are in communication with all that, but most of us dismiss this). Instead of understanding the subtle messages from our “bodies”(mental, emotional physical etc.), we may begin having headaches f.x.  This we cannot ignore.  Maybe, after a while, we are subconsciously asking ourselves WHY.. Then, maybe we notice, oh, we get the symptoms each time we have to deal with a certain project or person..  And  the begin we ask ourselves why, and gradually we will resolve the conflict inside of us….and the symptom will go away.

    However, in our new spirituality, the context is much bigger than us as an individual functioning in a family, at a job, with our friends….  We include many other bigger contexts, also.

    The greater the context we function in, the greater the flow.

    This is where the tantric work comes in.

    Often our energy paths in the body are blocked.  The more blocked we are, the weaker the flow.

    This is how we approach our tantric work in IKYA.

    Each individual is also part of spiritual families and clusters, that is another context.

    We all have our own inner sun, so to speak, the infinite source of life and energy.

    This incarnation is a fractal part of our main sun, our soul sun.